Winter Horses

2018, another year opening up; time to do some research to prepare for the writing of Unamakik, the sequel to The Sun Road (2014). I plan to share some of the things I come across that may be of interest to all of you. To start with, I found this delightful nugget about winter-hardy horse breeds (such as Thora Thorvinnsdottir’s rugged equine companions to Westland):

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peace on earth

peace on earth

More than ever before at this time of year we need to wish each other Happy Holidays of whichever signature they may be; next, of course, we always, wish each other a Happy New Year in health and peace…and here, making wishes is not enough; we need to DO all we can to secure that peace be kept between people and nations around our precious blue globe; by doing so we may also return some hope to depressed house elves such as the one living in our household, pictured above.

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Flash Encounter — too fast to capture on camera

Flash Encounter — too fast to capture on camera

So we hiked yesterday for hours through the moss woods along both sides of the Cowichan River, when six feathered spirits sped by silently downstream following the raging river high above the water through the ravine — at eye level for us, humans, slugging upstream on top of the cliff — six mergansers heading out to sea, only minutes away, for them…

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